Monday, May 28, 2012

Life with Two

I am so loving my life with two littles. They are both so precious in their own unique ways. I'd also like to say I am really thankful that I've had enough help from hubby, mother-in-law, and church friends that I can actually enjoy life with them instead of pull my hair out every day. Isaac continues to be the best baby on the planet. He sleeps well, eats well, smiles a big goofy grin and loves having conversations with people. I am so smitten. Caleb is struggling more with the transition to a family of four, but I have seen a lot of improvement in him. And God's grace is sufficient--every single day! Thank you, Lord. He provides everything we need: emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I am infusing my days with the boys with praise, joy and thankfulness. I fill the days with singing and teaching them about God's blessings. We are incredibly blessed. And when everything is going wrong and both kids are crying or Caleb is trying to hit his head on the ground, I praise Him. Having two littles is difficult at times, but I know this phase will pass quickly and I'm trying to enjoy the moments. I'm grateful to God for his help and guidance each step of the way. In Chinese when a couple gets married they combine two of the characters for joy and call it "double happiness." I would like to combine four of the characters for joy--quadruple happiness--that is my new family!

1 comment:

Paula Hong said...

I wrote this a while back but only just finished and posted