Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Isaac's words

Because our beloved first child has some serious developmental delays, I have been watching our second son, Isaac, a bit more carefully. A few weeks ago I thought he turned 18 months and only had about 3-4 words and I was a bit troubled. Then I realized he was only 17 months. Babycenter says that by 18 months kids should have about 15 words. I am very happy to be able to report that he made it! (Even though I know that kids growing up in multilingual environments get a few grace months.) Before I share his list of words I just want to reiterate what a complete and total sweetheart Isaac is. He is oozing with sweetness. His voice is quiet, soft and sincere. Ok, here are his words, not necessarily in order, as well as I can remember. 1. mama 2. baba 3. up (for up or down) 4. apple 5. shoes 6. book 7. cracker 8. cookie 9. xie xie (thank you) 10. gege (big brother) 11. more 12. Elmo 13. zhege zhege (this, this) 14. nonono 15. water Isaac also passes out lots of kisses--mommy's favorite! Love him.


Paula Hong said...

also Amah, dog, gotcha and ball

Jenni Medina said...

Love this words!