Monday, March 25, 2013

unexpected blessings

Since writing my last post about things I miss since having kids something strange has happened. I keep finding opportunities to get to do some of the items on my list! God has been spoiling me. I have been wanting to write a follow-up or delete the last post anyways. Even though I said I wasn't complaining I felt like I must have been complaining or else what was I doing? And I discovered it. I was trying to remember and maintain my identity, my sense of self. When parenting small children, you have to remember who you are because you don't have as many outlets or chances for natural expression as you once did. Fortunately I find my identity in Christ so that even when I can't do what I love to do, I am still me. But God made us in His image and we are creative beings with unique personalities, desires and passions. By writing down the things that I like to do that energize me I feel like I'm preserving a bit of my identity here in my blog. I also wanted to say that it's not like I never get to do the things on the list, just not any old time that I want to, like when I was single. And now that I don't have the chance to do many of those things on a regular basis, of course I am still me, deep down. I just have to fight harder to remember. Still, I don't want to come across as ungrateful for one minute. I am so grateful for the blessings in my life and I am filled with JOY every day. Today was another day that God treated me to a night out with friends. My hubby took the two kids willingly and I got to eat a yummy meal and feel pretty. I even got to ride my scooter! God is good to me all the time. Then I got to come home and snuggle my little ones and read them a Bible story from the Jesus Storybook Bible. We read about the lost son. Thinking about this tonight: God says to his children, "you are always with me, and everything I have is yours." Luke 15:31 I believe this is the secret to being content in any situation, whether you are a tired mom of littles, a lonely single person, a person longing for a child, a person who has grown old and lost many loved ones, a person facing a dark valley in life--be encouraged. Don't believe the lies the enemy will tell you but believe this truth. God is always with you and everything he has is yours. I don't know about you but I'm thinking--that's a LOT! That's ENOUGH!


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A Sunflower Knits said...

it is beautiful to see how God blesses us in our trying times when we're barely holding on... been meaning to comment encouragement... hang in there beautiful lady!

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