Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Jesus loves the little children

A few recent pics from "Little Sprouts"


Kat said...

Rock on! We love that I found your blog. It's great to keep up with all the Taiwan happenings. We miss it tonnes and always talk about heading back. Now that I'm a 'real' teacher I (Kristin) could work at Morrison or something. Keep up the posting...oh yah, "Josh! Get yer butt bloggin'!"

Susan said...

It's exciting to think what some of these "little sprouts" may grow to be! God bless your work.

Bryce Necklen said...


Keep up the great work. Wish I was there too. I miss Taiwan.


Chris said...

Wow, you are still doing Little Spouts! We want to start it up here in Taipei, I loved doing that in Kaohsiung. I want to hear stories!

p.s. This is Nevada